Location, Location, Location

January 16, 2018
Hands Of A Man Writing

Hello My Writing Warriors!

I want to talk about an important topic in our writing endeavors, and that is where we actually do our writing. The place that is ours. The place where we sit down and do the work.

It is my belief that where we write is critical to our development as writers and artists. Location, just as in Real Estate, is crucial to writing. Having your own space where you can summon the muse and get down to business is what it’s all about.

Let’s talk about your writing space. Is it warm, friendly and inviting? I personally like to  write in the kitchen because the kitchen is a warm and inviting place of creation where our basic needs are met and fulfilled.

I wrote my first novel in the kitchen of my basement apartment in Astoria, Queens. It was during NanoWrimo of 2012, and that time is one of my fondest memories of being a writer. It was my first time going after the White Whale that is the novel, and I know that if I hadn’t set myself up to win by writing in a pleasing environment then I might not have won Nano that year.

Create a sacred space for yourself. Carve out a section of your house, apartment, or dorm room that is your space for writing.

Let’s say you are in a dorm room and only have a small desk. Create Beauty and employ Ritual. The Muse loves beauty. Put a flower in a vase whenever you start to write and play some classical music that speaks to your soul. Bach is great for this.

The point is to build a special place where you can summon the story gods, where you can interface with the Muse and hear her whispering to you. It is so important to treat ourselves as professionals. Treat yourself like a professional and you will become one. The battle is won in the mind, my writing warriors.

All right. Now there is a more advanced practice that takes some training and skill to pull off, but it is important that we talk about this because as you become a professional and your connection with the Muse becomes stronger then you will be open for business 24/7 and writing will become something that you can do anywhere.

It is important to have a writing ritual, to have a special place to retreat to that is ours and ours alone, but let’s not get hung up on location. The true writing warrior can summon the Muse on command and get down to business anyplace: a hospital waiting room, a busy airport, a greyhound bus terminal, anyplace.

Being adaptable and mobile is the way of the future, my writing warriors. We live in an amazing age when we can write on anything from an iPhone to a laptop to a simple legal pad using a fountain pen. Let’s focus on being a pure simple channel for the Universe to bring its stories through us. That is the goal.

All right. That’s all I’ve got to say about location. What about you, my writing warriors? Do you have a special place that you like to write in? Do you have a room of your own? Let me know in the comments.

Until Next Time my Writing Warriors!



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