Motivation Monday: Dig Down Deep

February 2, 2018
Turn Ideas Into Reality

Hello My Writing Warriors!

Well, we are three weeks into this brave new year of 2018. How are we doing with our New Year’s Resolutions? Have we back slid? Are we ready to throw in the towel?

I don’t know about you, but I have already begun to face the demons of the past with regards to fulfilling my goals. The awful specter of doubt and inertia has begun to creep in. I’m human and I face the same challenges you do when it comes to goal achievement. That’s why in this JFW! I want to talk about ways to dig down deep and power through that late January and early February slump where we give up on our resolutions.

This is usually the time of the year when our will power begins to fade and we give up on New Year’s Resolutions. The gym membership that seemed like such a good idea on January 1 is now mocking us. The diet that we promised ourselves we would go on is long forgotten. The goals and dreams we have for a better life evaporate like morning dew under the noon day sun.

Let’s not let this happen to us. Here are three ways that we can dig down deep and keep on truckin’ with our goals and desires.

 Three Ways to Dig Down Deep

  1. Review your Awesome Reasons Why: Remember, Why is more important than How. If you find yourself stumbling around in the dark and losing motivation for your goals then simply review why you set the goal in the first place. Let’s say that you set a goal to go to the gym and work out three days a week. If you find yourself flagging and losing steam as we all do at this time of year then write down at least ten awesome reasons why going to the gym will pay off for you. You want to make this list as compelling and vivid and juicy as possible. Come up with an awesome reasons why list and watch your motivation return.
  2. Find a Buddy: Let’s face it, we are stronger when we go together. The myth of the lone cowboy is just that – a myth. It is my personal belief that we have taken this whole cult of the individual too far. We never would have gotten as far as a species if we hadn’t worked together. So my suggestion is to find a partner, a support group, a pal that will support you in your quest. If you want to start running again then find a running group. If you want to start writing a blog then join a writer’s community. Find your people. Find your tribe and watch your results take off.
  3. Use Rituals to your Advantage: I know. Using the word ritual conjures up images of monks and priests and incense. It sounds too esoteric and strange, but it is my experience that we are only as strong as the rituals that we have in place in our lives. Think of rituals as sacred routines and practices that are set up for you to succeed. Let’s go back to our example of going to the gym three times a week. Here is how we could set up a ritual to ensure that we follow through. The night before we are scheduled to work out, we could set out our gym clothes by our bed and say a brief thanks to the Universe that we are healthy enough to go to the gym. We could create a special play list for the gym and play it when we feel down and unmotivated. Essentially, rituals and routines are here to help us go on automatic pilot when the going gets tough. Remember, habits will pull you through when the going gets tough. Create those rituals and you will be astounded as to how much more you get done.

Well, that’s all I have to say about that. What about you my writing warriors? Are you experiencing that dreaded late January early February slump. How are you dealing with it? Let me know in the comments.

Until next time My Writing Warriors!



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